MR Retreat 2024

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This year’s retreat of the six MR research groups of the University Hospital took place on 26 and 27 June. The two-day meeting provided a platform for exchange between scientists, alumni and students to present and discuss the latest developments and research projects in the field of MRI.

The first day of the retreat began with a brief welcome from the working group leaders and a round of introductions for the more than 70 participants. During the day, the various research groups presented their current projects and research interests. The numerous presentations, poster sessions and exciting discussion rounds provided a deep insight into the work of each group. A special highlight were the alumni presentations, in which former members of the research groups shared their career experiences and gave valuable advice. The first day ended with a barbecue and an entertaining MR pub quiz.

On the second day, the remaining groups presented their research. A guest lecture from Siemens Healthineers was another highlight and provided new impetus for the researchers.

The 2024 MR Retreat in Erlangen was a great success. The meeting provided a valuable opportunity for participants to present their research, develop new ideas and network with colleagues and alumni. The mix of scientific talks, poster presentations and informal networking activities created an inspiring and productive atmosphere.