AG Nagel

In November 2024, a report on X-MRI was published in the FAU magazine. The article can be accessed via the following link: Taking images with a grain of salt | FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg  

Category: AG Nagel

On the road toward implementing a 14 Tesla human whole-body system in Germany, we responded to a call in 2024 from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, BMBF) to submit projects to develop new national scientific infrastructures: https://...

Category: AG Nagel, Allgemein, Startseite

Congratulations to Dr. Lena Gast and co-authors on the recently published article "Determination of Tissue Potassium and Sodium Concentrations in Dystrophic Skeletal Muscle Tissue Using Combined Potassium (39K) and Sodium (23Na) MRI at 7T"! This study used combined 23Na/39K MRI at 7T to assess ap...

Category: AG Nagel, Allgemein, Startseite

Congratulations to Christian Eisen (and colleagues) on the recently published paper "Fast online spectral-spatial pulse design for subject-specific fat saturation in cervical spine and foot imaging at 1.5 T"! A new fat saturation method for MRI is presented, which aims to ensure a more reliable a...

Category: AG Nagel, Allgemein, Startseite

The MR physics research groups led by Prof. Armin Nagel, Prof. Frederik Laun and Prof. Moritz Zaiss are funded within a research group by the German Research Foundation (DFG) for the next 4 years! The goal is to develop a "magnetic resonance biosignature" at 7 Tesla that will provide information bey...

Category: AG Laun, AG Nagel, AG Zaiss, Allgemein, Startseite

Congratulations to Tobias Wilferth! The paper "Influence of Residual Quadrupolar Interaction on Quantitative Sodium Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Patients With Multiple Sclerosis" by Tobias Wilferth et al. was recently accepted for publication by Investigative Radiology and is now available...

Category: AG Nagel, Allgemein, Startseite

Congratulations to Dr. Jürgen Herrler! The paper "The effects of RF coils and SAR supervision strategies for clinically applicable nonselective parallel-transmit pulses at 7 T" by Jürgen Herrler et al. was recently accepted for publication by Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and is now available on...

Category: AG Nagel, Allgemein, Startseite