
Congratulations to Dr. Simon Lévy! The paper "Clinically compatible subject-specific dynamic parallel transmit pulse design for homogeneous fat saturation and water-excitation at 7T: Proof-of-concept for CEST MRI of the brain" by Dr. Simon Lévy et al. was recently accepted for publication by Magn...

Category: AG Nagel, Allgemein, Startseite

Congratulations to Tobit Führes! The paper "Reduction of the cardiac pulsation artifact and improvement of lesion conspicuity in flow-compensated diffusion images in the liver - A quantitative evaluation of postprocessing algorithms" by Tobit Führes et al. was recently accepted for publication by...

Category: AG Laun, Allgemein, Startseite

Congratulations to Tobias Wilferth! The paper "Quantitative 7T sodium magnetic resonance imaging of the human brain using a 32-channel phased-array head coil: Application to patients with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis" byTobias Wilferth et al. was recently accepted for publication by N...

Category: AG Nagel, Allgemein, Startseite

Congratulations to Jannis Hanspach! The paper "Deep learning–based quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) in the presence of fat using synthetically generated multi-echo phase training data" by Jannis Hanspach et al. was recently accepted for publication by Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and i...

Category: AG Laun, Allgemein, Startseite

CEST MRI provides many different clinically promising contrasts. The best studied is Amide Proton Transfer-weighted (APTw) CEST MRI in brain tumors. However, even for APTw in brain tumors many protocols are out there, often with different rf saturation powers, rf duty-cycled and durations, or with different post processings and visualizations. In this article CEST researchers of various groups tried to nail down a single (well almost) protocol that defines APTw for brain tumor imaging.

Category: AG Zaiss, Allgemein

Do you know about Pulseq-CEST? Pulseq-CEST is a CEST RF preparation standard based on Pulseq initiated by AG Zaiss at FAU, UKER and MPI Tübingen. You can learn more about Pulseq-CEST in a video by Kai Herz from the MRI Together 2021: but also in the original paper

Category: AG Zaiss, Allgemein

Researcher from Erlangen receives prestigious fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation for research of the latest MRI systems Inflammatory foci, vascular diseases, micrometastases - many clinical conditions can only be detected if the structures and functions of organs, tissues a...

Category: AG Nagel, Allgemein, Startseite

The Gorter Award for the best work in the field of magnetic resonance imaging goes to FAU! Since 2005, the German Section of the ISMRM awards a prize for the best work in the field of magnetic resonance to a young scientist from medicine or a natural science at its annual meeting. The prize w...

Category: AG Laun, AG Zaiss, Allgemein, Startseite